SFR told how to pay for sick leave if an individual is employed by several employers

In his channel on the social network, the SFR explained the specifics of paying sick leave for employees who worked for several employers during the billing period.

In this case, it is important not only the current employment of the employee, but also where he was employed during the billing period.

In the explanations, the Foundation’s specialists designated the current (parallel) employers with the letters A and B, and the past ones with C and D.

If the employee worked for two years preceding the year of registration of sick leave:

  • only in A and B, the allowance is paid for two places of work, each based on its own calculation base;
  • in C and D, and he did not work for current employers or worked for a year or less, he will receive an allowance for one place of work, which he chooses himself, and based on the sum of all income;
  • in A, B and also, for example, in C – the benefit is paid in firms A and B or in one chosen by the employee. In the first case, the basis for the calculation will be the income of each employer, in the second case, the total income.

Employers will need this information if they need to pay for the first 3 days of sick leave and send the information to the Fund for calculating benefits. All the details on how to do this are in the Ready-made ConsultantPlus solution. You can get acquainted with it for free if you get a trial access using the link provided.

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