Allowance for large families under 3 years of age: the amount and procedure of payments

The allowance for large families under 3 years old is paid at the expense of regional budgets. The regional authorities independently determine the families eligible to receive additional benefits, the amount and procedure for receiving them. In the article we will tell you which families are considered to have many children, what benefits they are entitled to from the state and how to find out if there are additional payments in the region.

How is the status of large families confirmed

A family with at least three children is usually considered to have many children (paragraph 2.4.3 of GOST R 52495-2005, approved by the order of Rostec Regulation dated 12/30/2005 No.532-st). But the exact number of children who must be brought up in a family to be recognized as having many children is set by the regional authorities. Thus, in one region, a family with three children can be considered to have many children, but not in another.

The status of a large family is not assigned automatically. Its receipt is declarative. You can apply for documents at the local social protection department or at the MFC. The application procedure depends on the region in which the family lives.

The list of documents that must be submitted together with the application is also established by the regional authorities. As a rule, it includes:

  • Application for the assignment of the status of a large family. The application form has not been established by the legislator, so you can make it yourself or use a sample developed by the body accepting the documents.
  • Copies of the parents’ passports.
  • Copies of birth certificates of all children.
  • Photocopies of documents confirming the adoption of children or the establishment of custody over them (if any).
  • A photocopy of the marriage certificate.
  • Information about the composition of the family.
  • Information about the education of children over the age of 18 at the full-time department of an educational institution. If the legislation of the region provides for the inclusion of such children in the family composition, which is taken into account when assigning it the status of a large family.
  • Photos of parents or one of them in size 3×4 (for registration of a certificate of a large family).

Do not forget to bring with you the original documents, copies of which are submitted for consideration. On their basis, the receiving employee will verify the authenticity of the submitted copies.

Federal payments

Federal legislation does not provide for the payment of benefits to large families. Families raising three or more children can qualify for monthly payments in a general manner.

So, a person caring for a child before reaching the age of 1.5 years can receive a monthly allowance:

  • for the care of a child in the amount of 40% of the average earnings of a caregiver (average earnings are calculated for the two years preceding the year of benefit assignment);
  • for non-working citizensin a fixed amount set by the legislator.

At the federal level, support for large families is provided only in the form of subsidies and benefits. In particular, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on measures…”from 05.05.1992 No.431, such benefits include:

  • extraordinary admission of children to kindergartens;
  • one day per month for free access to amusement parks, museums;
  • discount on utilities in the amount of at least 30%.

Payments at the regional level

The regional authorities have the right to independently determine the amount and procedure for the payment of benefits to large families (subp. 49 p. 1 art. 44 of Law No. 414-FZ dated 12/21/2021).

In practice, citizens’ rights are implemented in different ways, it all depends on the financial capabilities of the region. For example, in Moscow, large families receive the following types of financial support:

  • a single payment for the birth or adoption of three children at the same time (paragraph 3 of Part 1 of art.6 of the Law of the City of Moscow on Social Security…”from 11/23/2005 No.60);
  • monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses related to the increase in the cost of living (for families with three or more children) — is paid for each child until they reach the age of 18 (paragraph 5 of Part 1 of art.7, Article 11 of Law No.60);
  • monthly payment for the purchase of children’s goods (for families with five or more children) (paragraph 7;h. 1 art.7 of Law No.60);
  • annual payments for holidays (International Family Day and Knowledge Day)They are provided to families with 10 or more children, provided that at least one of them is under the age of 18 (art.18 of Law no.60);
  • annual payment for the purchase of children’s clothing for school (art.19 of Law No. 60).

Regional payments co-financed from the federal budget

Clause 2 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation On measures for implementation…”From 05/07/2012 No.606 recommends that the executive authorities of the regions appoint families in which the third and subsequent children are born a monthly cash payment in the amount of the subsistence minimum for a child established in this region. It is recommended to pay such benefits from the moment of the child’s birth until the child reaches the age of three.

In a number of regions, benefits under Decree No.606 are paid at the expense of not only the regional budget, but also the federal budget. In accordance with the most recent regulation governing the co-financing of such payments, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.2218-r dated 08/11/2021 approved a list of regions in respect of which such co-financing is carried out.

To get information about which benefits for children are paid to large families in your region, you can contact the local social protection department. They will also tell you what documents you need to collect to make payments.

As a rule, it is required to present:

  • passports of adult family members and their copies
  • certificates of birth (adoption) of children and their copies
  • certificate of family composition;
  • bank account details for the transfer of benefits;
  • marriage certificate;
  • certificates of income of all family members for a certain period (in case it is necessary to meet the criteria of need to receive benefits).

The list of payments assigned to large families can also be viewed on the Public Services portal.


So, benefits for large families in 2024 are assigned only in those regions whose authorities have introduced relevant provisions into legislation. There are regions where benefits for the third and subsequent children are so far co-financed by the federal budget, but such payments are due only to low-income families. Starting from 2023, a single allowance is paid throughout Russia for families with children under the age of 17. Earlier, at the federal level, the legislator recommended that regional authorities establish additional benefits for large families and independently determine a list of other preferences that will improve the standard of living of families with three or more children.

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